A long standing client of Haymarket Network is the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. In 2017 Network were asked to redevelop CIPS digital product and turned to the UX team to start off the process.

The Brief
Our brief was to bring the website up to a standard with much needed functionality and improvements, resulting in increased revenue through the website, reduced processing costs and strategic alignment.
Stakeholder workshops
We completed a series of stakeholder workshops at CIPS HQ near Peterborough which included requirement gathering and some persona creation and empathy mapping.


Highlighting a workshop agenda to manage the process and give direction
Once we'd gathered the stakeholder information we completed a series of research phases on the project. We looked at the data. We measured current usage and engagement. We completed user interviews on CIPS users and user testing on the current site, heat maps, surveys, polls.
Looking at the analytics data we found a surprising statistic that gave us a focus.
Looking at the analytics data we found a surprising statistic that gave us a focus.

We also added a series of success criteria (kpi's)
• Increase number of members by 2% per year
• Increase membership retention churn by 1% per year
• Increase number of unique users to CIPS website by 10% per year
• Increase number of page views of the CIPS knowledge area by 10%

Taxonomy mapping

Persona and empathy mapping

Wireframes & user journeys

Mobile wireframe examples

Desktop wireframe examples

Mobile design concepts

Desktop design concepts